Dr Smita Suryawanshi
Designation: Professor
Teaching Experience: 24 years
Industry Experience: 06 years
Brief Profile: An architect, accomplished academician, skilled researcher who developed teaching pedagogies in the course of architecture. She is passionate for teaching and researching in the field of architecture. She has demonstrated expertise for conducting workshops, seminars and collaborations for better academic environment. She always had a student-centric approach for holistic development of each student as a futuristic professional.
Research Publications:
Suryawanshi, S. (2021). Bio-mimicry – An Approach Towards Urban Planning. In National conference proceedings of “CITIES 2050 – Planning, Governance and Management”. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.
Suryawanshi, S. (2020). Bio-mimicry – Significance in Futuristic Architecture. In National conference proceedings of “Envisioning India 2050 – Concerns of Urban Environment”.Sinhgadc College of Architecture in collaboration with SPPU.
Suryawanshi, S. & Chavan S. (2018). Inclusion of Elderly People’s Needs in Built and Un-built Environments. In the conference proceedings of “15th International Conference on Geriatric Care and Gerontology” GSICON-2018. Geriatric Society of India.
Raheja, G., Suryawanshi, S. & Jaiswal, S. (2015). Universal Design for Urban Indian Futures. Journal of The Indian Institute of Architects Issn-0019-4913 Volume 80, Issue 03,(pp. 26-28).
Suryawanshi, S. & Raheja, G., (2014). Social Sustainability of Neighborhoods: A Universal Design Approach. In National Conference on Sustainable Neighborhoods: Theories and Practices. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.
Suryawanshi, S. (2012). Accessibility to The Historic Buildings in Pune. In 13th InternationalConference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons –Transed 2012.
Suryawanshi, S. & Shringarpure, P., (2011). Accessibility to Toilets in Public Buildings(Special Case Study of Pune City). In National Conference on Advances of Architecture.Manipal University, Karnataka.
Gaikwad, A., & Suryawanshi, S. (2010). Towards Sustainable Cities Through Building Bylaws (Specially for Residential Buildings in Fringe Areas of Pune City). In International Conference on Urbanism and Green Architecture. NIT Hamirpur and IIIA Chandigarh-Punjab
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-smita-suryawanshi-b305b839